Quinn + Grace {Notre Dame, Indiana}

Quinn and Grace actually knew each other when they were babies. But it wasn’t until high school that they actually ‘met’ each other. It was at a family tailgate. Grace’s dad and Quinn’s Uncle Tom were college roommates at Notre Dame - not to mention, lifelong friends! So it was only fitting that the families united for an ND fan’s favorite pasttme: Tailgating!

Soon after, long nights of conversations began on instant messenger, which turned into a beautiful friendship, which then turned into a beautiful romance. Their long distance apart only has kept their love for the other growing, and you can see it just by watching how they interact together.

Quinn is now serving in the Navy, as an EOD technician, and Grace is a kindergarten teacher. Amazing how two worlds can collide and create such a beautiful love. 

I was honored to be a part of their wedding ceremony a few months ago, with just their parents present. They wanted to marry at Notre Dame, where Quinn attended college, and the two shared many moments and memories together. Including late nights at Subway, and Notre Dame football games! It was a sweet ceremony, with so many perfect smiles and lots of laughs. 

Sincerely grateful that this ‘job’ brings such wonderful, kind people into our lives. And so incredibly thankful I got to meet this special pair. Congratulations Quinn and Grace! Wishing you many years of wonderful happiness.