Fr. Phillip Ganir, S.J., Conductor {Basilica of the Sacred Heart}

One of the many joys of being a photographer, is capturing people's most important moments ... The ones that you will always remember; and when you look back on the photographs, you feel exactly what you felt in the moment you were in them.

I had the honor of documenting the recital of Fr. Phillip Ganir, entitled, Docere, Delectare, Movere: Carissimi's Jephte Charpentier's Te Deum and the Jesuit Vision, in the Lady Chapel, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, on the campus of Notre Dame. It was his graduate conducting recital, and if I do say so myself, he moved everyone in the room with the beautiful music that filled it! While the Basilica was a breathtaking backdrop, the music that Fr. Ganir, Conductor, the Notre Dame's Concordia Choir, and the Ritornello Orchestra created, was simply incredible! It was no surprise that he received a standing ovation - and an A++!!

You can hear some of Fr. Phillip's recital HERE. :-)