Lake Michigan Winter Session | Michigan Wedding Photographers

The Midwest can be blah as hell during the winter, but one way to get out of the funk is to bundle up with your babe and go on a winter adventure. We will bring the hot cocoa and a warm blanket!

I paired up with a local photographer, Emily from Obrella Images, and we headed to the lake with these two lovelies, Stephanie and Austin, and my sweet pup, Cash. These two were such a blast and braved the freaking bitter colddd Lake Michigan wind. But dang, was it so worth it. They completely rocked it and Cash joined in for a few photos too!

Lake Michigan never disappoints and is a perfect place to shoot all year long! Hit us up to book a winter session!

Scroll down to check out more of Steph and Austin’s Lake Michigan Adventure Session!

LOOKING to do a winter session? CLICK HERE >> CONTACT << AND LET’S CHAT!!!